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Results for "keyword: %22consumerism%22"
POM Wonderful Presents: The Greatest Movie Ever Sold A zany and thought-provoking documentary about the omnipresence of advertising in our lives.
Who Killed the Electric Car? A documentary to make your blood boil -- if you love cars, cherish the environment, and scorn the power and privileges of oil companies.
The Letter A potent and scary parable about the harm spread by those who see the world as an evil and demonic place.
The Bling Ring A sharp-edged portrait of a band of amoral teenage thieves in California who have a passion for fashion, a yearning to have more, and a desire for cheap thrills.
Steve Jobs - One Last Thing An ambitious 60-minute documentary on the life and legacy of Steve Jobs.
The Gods Must Be Crazy I & II Slapstick comedies starring a Kalahari Bushman who discovers how strange modern cultures really are.
The Coca-Cola Kid A zany look at the competitive ethos of an aggressive corporation.
The Gods Must Be Crazy A slapstick comedy that really works!
The Joneses A satire that pokes fun of the ruses that corporations are willing to undertake in order to get more people purchasing their products.
An Inconvenient Truth A traveling global warming show hosted by Al Gore that brims with insight, idealism, and hope.