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Results for "keyword: %22dying%22"
Eager Bodies A French film about dying young and the nurturing love that is needed in the last days.
Eternity and a Day A dying Greek writer and poet who in his last days senses life's sweetness and his connection to others.
With Honors A shaggy dog drama about the education of one upwardly bound college student.
Tribute Probes a middle-aged man's sudden confrontation with his impending death and the need to reconcile with his son.
First Snow A psychological thriller with the message that knowing about your impending death has a way of focusing your life and making everything supercharged with meaning.
Half Moon
Dying Young Offers a convincing anatomy of the universal yearning for intimacy.
Excerpts from the Screenplay for Of Gods and Men by Etienne Comar Excerpts from the screenplay of this feature film revealing the thinking of two of the monks in a monastery in Algeria who chose to continue their mission of service in the face of certain death by te…
Smell of Camphor, Fragrance of Jasmine A compelling Iranian film about the mini-deaths that can be rehearsals for the great performance at the end of life.
Dead Man A visionary Western with interesting bits on the myth of the frontier, violence, and artistic outlaws.