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Results for "keyword: %22exercise%22"
Running - The Sacred Art Warren Kay on the devotional exercise that can grow out of running.
Walking Your Talk Helpful body language insights and exercises.
Ways to Go Beyond and Why They Work Rupert Sheldrake on how sports can have spiritual effects.
Unteachable Lessons A lesson from the mystics on trusting God.
Counterclockwise Lauren Kessler on how vitality and health depend more on discipline.
Releasing the Creative Spirit Dan Wakefield on simple techniques to experience the calming effect of silence.
Swim Lynn Sherr on going swimming when life gets you down.
Sustainable Wellness Matt Mumber and Heather Reed on how spirituality can help reframe stress.
Healing Walks for Hard Times Carolyn Scott Kortge's eight-week walking program designed to sustain healing in the body, mind, and spirit.
Savor A Buddhist approach to weight loss based on mindfulness, exercise, and nutritional science.