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Results for "keyword: %22hearing%22"
Theosony Musician Noirin Ni Riain on how grace depends on the sounds of God.
Ledger A poem by Zen student Jane Hirshfield
The Re-Enchantment of Everyday Life Quiet listening as an active, expressive practice.
Angela's Glacier The importance of hearing a glacier's music.
Positive Solitude Rae Andre on making time in your solitude for the exercise of your senses.
In Pursuit of Silence An exquisitely written and enlightening defense of silence in an increasingly noisy world.
Life in Five Senses Finding your hidden enthusiasm by enhancing your five senses.
A Spirituality of Listening How to pay attention, focus, discern, attend, and be aware in the company of others.
Awaken Your Senses J. Brent Bill and Beth Booram on awakening your senses to the wonder of God.
The Voices of Nature Observations that show the connections among species.