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Results for "keyword: %22identity%22"
The Ten Things to Do When Your Life Falls Apart Daphne Rose Kingma exploring the concept of our Signature Strength - our personal character qualities that run through our lives.
The Book of I A mind-expanding and soul-searching collection of quotations on the mysterious question of the nature of human identity.
Ten Poems to Set You Free Stanley Kunitz's poem "The Layers."
The Path of the Human Being A teaching story by the Buddha on realizing your true nature.
Loving Yourself Daphne Rose Kingma on making a clearing in ourselves where new things can grow.
This Precious Life Khando Rinpoche examining four mind trainings on the spiritual practice of you.
Choosing Happiness Stephanie Dowrick on the the ache that comes from loneliness.
The Essential Rumi A radical disassembling to clear away the ego.
Accidental Grace A poem about the meaning of life.
Why Did Jesus, Moses, the Buddha, and Mohammed Cross the Road? Brian McLaren on why the locked door can no longer represent Christian identity.