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Results for "keyword: %22power%22"
Mantra Meditation Thomas Ashley-Ferrand on tapping into your personal power.
Living in the Lap of the Goddess Puts into focus their beliefs, practices, and motivations.
Spiritual Power Challenges us to bring healing and transformation to the planet through mystical consciousness, love, and service.
The Human Being Walter Wink on Jesus teaching the disciples to find the power within themselves.
Somebodies and Nobodies Salutes reverence as an antidote to rankism.
The Death of the Liberal Class Chris Hedges on Daniel Berrigan and his lifetime spent seeking a just society.
Ring of Power Salutes feminine wisdom.
What I've Always Known Recounts the author's wilderness learning from an Okanogan Indian elder in the old power way.
Simone Weil Draws a bead on her short but visionary life.
Thy Brother's Wife A novel about pride and passion, which often spins its wheels in soap opera ruts, is a trip worth taking.