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Results for "keyword: %22present%22"
Living the Hours A journey through the monastic practice of punctuating each day with eight points of prayer.
As It Is: Spiritual Journaling Guidance on using spiritual journaling to explore interior, interpersonal, social, and sacred realities.
Engaging Hope Ways to become aware of the opportunity that a given moment offers, freeing us from predictability.
Beyond Recovery The Twelve Steps applied to the addiction from which almost all of us suffer: the addiction to control.
Trusting in Life Video talks by the Benedictine brother and texts exploring faith as a deeply rooted attitude towards life.
The Liberating Promise of Mindfulness Teachings about moment-to-moment awareness, a Buddhist practice that can dramatically enhance the way we live.
The Gift of Life A contemplative engagement with the great themes of Lent as a way of seeing, reflecting, and then living them in your own life.
Living Your Legacy: Seeds, Blossoms, Fruits Ways to be intentional about the legacy you live and leave to your family, colleagues, and community.
Embracing Living: The Welcoming Prayer Step-by-step instructions on Welcoming Prayer to deepen this profound practice.