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Results for "keyword: %22purpose%22"
Aspire An unusual and appealing uncovering of the hidden and often very revealing meanings of words.
Holy Play Challenges us to reimagine God, purpose and vocation as a joyful and playful adventure.
Moving Through Fear Jeff Golliher on why cultivating our intention is an important daily spiritual practice.
Accidental Grace A poem about the meaning of life.
The Art of Taking Action Gregg Krech on overcoming your problems by going around them.
Tree Whispering Jim Conroy on how trees serve as a refuge for other life forms.
God's To-Do List Ron Wolfson on God's To-Do list for us as partners repairing the world.
The Gift of Adversity Norman Rosenthal on being mindful of death on a daily basis.
To Be and How to Be Peggy Rubin on keeping your primary verb in the back of your mind at all times.
The Essential Zohar Rav P. S. Berg on spiritual transformation being our purpose in life.