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Results for "keyword: %22responsibility%22"
Cry of the Earth, Cry of the Poor Leonardo Boff on enthusiasm is having a god within.
The Quaking of America Why healing from white-body supremacy is essential to democracy. 
We Need to Build Potluck ways to build community and support diversity.
Speaking Peace in a Climate of Conflict Dazzling essays on the amazing power, variety, and impact of words.
In Search of Wisdom Advice from three teachers on exercising freedom in everyday situations
The Reunited States of America Ground rules for political conversations.
The Rebirthing of God John Philip Newell on how the path of compassion begins with the courage to see as shown by the example of Aung San Suu Kyi.
Multiply Your Blessings August Gold and Joel Fotinos on how prayer partners help work each other's spiritual muscles.
Just Passing Through A wise reflection on the freedom from ego that it takes to guide people well.
The Illuminated Hafiz A poem by Hafiz translated by Robert Bly.