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Results for "keyword: %22sports%22"
The Tao of Sports Eighty-one short meditations that relate Taoism's truths (balance, harmony, humility, etc.) to sports.
The Mystical Side of Life A discussion of sport as a vehicle for transcendence.
The Olympic Odyssey The Olympic Odyssey: Rekindling the True Spirit of the Great Games by Phil Cousineau offers a spiritually edifying overview of this epic pageant and its meaning in our lives and times.
Remembering O-Sensei Pays tribute to this Japanese teacher, founder of a martial art that is both spiritual and nonviolent.
The Tao of the Jump Shot A philosophical consideration of the art and beauty of the jump shot.
In the Zone Pins down those elements that open the door to spirituality.
Running the Spiritual Path Roger D. Joslin on running as prayer.
Clearing Away Clouds Celebrates the path of self-mastery.
Running the Spiritual Path Practices that can enrich your communion with God and open your heart while you are exercising.