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Results for "main_practice: "Zeal", latest_content: 1"
Offering Your Gift to the World Encouragement to experience the true fulfilment that comes from going and giving to where and what your heart calls you.
Birthday of Theodore Roosevelt (PDP) A salute to maximum aliveness and the strenuous life.
Go Wild Encouragement to life passionately and wholeheartedly.
Birthday of Helen Keller (PDP) Celebrate Helen Keller a woman whose zest for life is a model for us all.
Remembrance Day for Carrie Nation (PDP) Learning about the consequences of zeal from the story of a crusader against the use of alcohol.
Birthday of Nikos Kazantzakis Birthday of Nikos Kazantzakis, Writer and Spiritual Seeker
Busyness A short meditation on letting go of what does not serve you.
Writing Your Story Guidance for turning inward and gaining strength from reflecting on your life.
Thematic Dance An exercise combining dance and poetry.
Endless Joy A short & sweet prayer for spiritual renewal.