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Results for "Frederic and Mary An Brussat"
100 Ways to Keep Your Soul Alive Inspirational quotations and practice suggestions to enrich your everyday spirituality.
Spiritual Literacy An audio abridgement of the 1996 book with readings of excerpts to illustrate each practice in the Alphabet of Spiritual Literacy from attention to zeal.
100 More Ways to Keep Your Soul Alive More inspirational quotations and practice suggestions to enrich your everyday spirituality.
Spiritual Rx The best ways to practice 37 key markers of all the world's wisdom traditions, accenting over 500 resources that can be used to enrich and deepen your everyday spiritual life.
Spiritual Literacy More than 650 short readings that reveal a spiritual perspective on life; a book you can share with children, family, colleagues, and friends as you explore together the bounties of the spiritual life…
Powers of Two A celebration of the creative collaboration of pairs.
What Do We Know about the Kraken? An exploration of the myths and marvels of sea monsters.
Sacred Poetry - IV To celebrate National Poetry Month, every day one new example of sacred poetry drawn from books we've reviewed.
An Interview with Joyce Rupp An interview with the writer and popular retreat leader about the images in her book May I Have This Dance?, her relationships with God, spiritual practices for autumn, wonder, and hope.
Choosing Peace through Daily Practices Ellen Ott Marshall on imagining oneness.