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Results for "submediums: Books - Book Excerpt, main_practice: Silence"
Prayers for Hard Times Thomas Merton with an immersive form of prayer that fills all of life.
Meditations of the Heart A meditation on the value of quiet reflection on essential questions.
Hidden Treasure Gangaji on taking note of the silence beneath the noise.
Silent Compassion Richard Rohr on how the dualistic mind is constantly judging others and is at war with patience and humility.
Perennial Wisdom for the Spiritually Independent Commentaries by Rami Shapiro on two sacred texts about silence.
Grace Notes Brian Doyle on the many different shades and meanings of silence.
The Tao of Walt Whitman Connie Shaw with reflection exercises based on Walt Whitman's poetry on silence.
The Five Keys to Mindful Communication Susan Gillis Chapman on how silence fine-tunes our ability to really listen.
The Old Tea Seller A poem by seventeenth century Zen priest, poet, and tea seller Baisao (collected by Norman Waddell) about silence.
Spiritual Disciplines Adele Ahlberg Calhoun on silence as a regenerative spiritual practice.