
This day may my thoughts bring blessing to all of life.
—Daniel McGill in Forty Nights


Today, simply observe some of your changing emotions with appreciation, as you might appreciate a rainbow. You don't have to stop sadness, or anger, or joy. Just view them as the different colors of the rainbow.
— Drew Leder in Sparks of the Divine

Protestant Wisdom

By perseverance the snail reached the ark.
— Charles Spurgeon, nineteenth century English Baptist preacher

Jewish Wisdom

Clapping helps bring alertness and joy. Hasidim often clap their hands and snap their fingers during prayer to amuse themselves and to express their inspiration and happiness.
— Yitzhak Buxbaum in Jewish Spiritual Practices

Literary Wisdom

Joy is the holy fire that keeps our purpose warm and our intelligence aglow.
— Helen Keller quoted in Simplicity Lessons by Linda Breen Pierce


I do, I undo, I redo.
— Louise Bourgeois, French-American artist

Catholic Wisdom

The way of faith is necessarily obscure. We drive by night.
— Thomas Merton quoted in Thomas Merton's Paradise Journey

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