" 'I want to share one last thing with you, my child. Something I had to learn as a very young boy. I, too, traveled a great deal in the world. First it was to find my Teacher and then it was to teach myself. I found that I was afraid to love people because I would only have to say good-bye again, usually forever in this life. And then I discovered a very great secret —

" "What is it?'

" 'For every good-bye there is another hello. As you grow older, perhaps you will discover, as I did, that in a strange way you are saying hello and greeting the same one you said good-bye to. It will be a different face and a different body, but the light in the eyes of everyone is the same light. It is the light of the Great One. We are all one Spirit, one Heart, you know, but it is just delightful to see how many disguises amd masks the Great One can wear. When you understand this here," and he pressed his hand over Teak's heart, " it can ease the pain of some of those painful good-byes."