1. Do not disregard or contradict any pledges that you have made.

2. Do not allow your thought transformation practice to increase arrogance.

3. Do not let yourself fall into partiality towards others.

4. Maintain a natural external behavior acceptable to others, while internally transforming your mind.

5. Do not speak of the faults of others.

6. Do not think of others' failings, even when you see them.

7. Apply antidotes to the delusions that are strongest in you with greater emphasis.

8. Give up all hope for personal reward for your thought transformation process.

9. Do not let your positive actions be polluted by the poisons of the self-cherishing attitude and by thoughts that grasp at the inherent existence of things.

10. Hold no grudge towards those who cause harm.

11. Do not respond in kind when scolded by others.

12. Do not retaliate in return when harmed by others.

13. Abstain from any actions harmful to others' bodies or minds.

14. Do not blame others for your own shortcomings and failures.

15. Abandon selfish motives for appropriating the belongings of a community for your personal gain.

16. Do not undertake the thought transformation practice merely because of the wish to be protected from some malevolent forces.

17. Do not be inflated and arrogant on account of your thought transformation practice.

18. Eliminate the ulterior motive which wishes others to suffer for the sake of your own happiness.