1. "Spirituality is an innate quality of human life and existence. It is something we are born with, something essentially dynamic that forever seeks articulation and expression in human living.
  2. "Spirituality is one of life's great gifts to us, and we have been entrusted with its care and development.
  3. "Spirituality is essentially a co-creative gift; we are partially, but not wholly, responsible for its development. As in the exchange of all gifts, there is the giver and the receiver, but unlike the normal process, the gift in this case is forever being offered and received, in large or small measure.
  4. "The gift we refer to is life in all those dimensions that can be explored and developed throughout an entire lifetime, lived creatively and meaningfully in mutual relation with planet Earth and the cosmos. A meaningful spiritual life is inconceivable without a meaningful planetary and cosmic existence.
  5. "There are both conscious and subconscious factors involved in spiritual growth. Because spirituality is innate to the human personality, we are always living out of a spiritual will-to-meaning, but it might not always be appropriately expressed. For example, participation in a wedding banquet is a highly spiritual activity, with a great range of ritual and symbolic interaction that touch into the core of human relatedness (and consequently to the core of human meaning), but in today's Western world, the powerful spiritual energies at work are largely unacknowledged and very poorly integrated.
  6. "Spiritual energy is at least as powerful as, and probably more powerful than, our strongest instinctual drives and desires. Consequently, a thwarted spiritual drive, or one not appropriated consciously, will often seek expression in dangerous, destructive, or pathological behaviors. A great deal of youth culture, especially drug-related, is fuelled by a misguided spiritual hunger; so is a great deal of economic or sexual prowess in the adult population. I suggest it is more accurate to the view these developments as unintegrated spiritual overload rather than an absence of a spiritual sense. Spirituality cannot be absent in a human life, but it can be misguided and misplaced to a degree that ensues in horrendous destruction — personally, socially and culturally."