"To enter the transfiguration story, follow the nonviolent Jesus, and fulfill our mission of disarming love, we need to discern the movement of the Holy Spirit among us so that we are led by God and actually doing the job God wants of us. Certainly this discernment requires contemplative meditation, quiet listening, and intercessory prayer. But it also needs the help of other peacemaking Christians. We cannot fulfill our mission alone. We need the help of a local peace and justice group who engage in a public stand against injustice and war and for justice and peace. With other like-minded peacemakers, we will take to the streets, announce the good news of peace, and disarm the culture. We will carry on the transfiguration journey all the way to the cross and resurrection and into the streets, and we will engage in our own modern-day acts of the apostles. Like the early community, we will be transformed into a dynamic, creative, public force for love and peace that witnesses to Christ and fulfills the mission of transfiguration nonviolence.

"Along the way, we will be confirmed in our mission. We will resolve to remain faithful to the task of disarmament. We will find the strength to walk forward into the world and die well with that same radiant love, truth, and peace. We will play our part in the transfiguration, the disarmament of the world.

"As transfiguration people, we embody nonviolence, breathe in peace, breathe out peace, walk gently upon the earth, love everyone with kindness and compassion, and serve those in need. We are fully alive, fully alert, fully aware of ourselves and reality, trying to live in the present moment. Life becomes one long, glorious transfiguration. We are born again, risen, already in heaven, even as we head toward heaven and the new life of resurrection. Eternal life, we realize, has begun — right now, this minute. The reign of God has arrived.

"Each one of us is summoned to fulfill this great mission. God is leading us on our journey through life to accomplish God's work of compassionate love and disarming peace. When we finally meet God face-to-face, we will understand the mission that had been given to us, and realize that we were never alone, that we had nothing to fear, and that all we had to do was be faithful to the discipleship journey and the work of transfiguration nonviolence.

"With the grace of that knowledge and awareness, we step into the light and live out our holy mission of transfiguration nonviolence, so that our story might be part of his story and, one day, his mission might be complete in us."