"Practice visioning by yourself or with others. Visioning is usually done in a group. You can also vision alone or with only one other person. Decide on a topic that you want to vision about: life purpose, the development of a creative project, or an existing organization such as a new business. You can pre-record the following instructions or have one member of a group lead the visioning with these guidelines. The guidelines and set of questions will assist you in the visioning process. Remember to empty your mind of preconceived ideas about any given subject and allow yourself to be as empty as possible to allow a divine wisdom source to supply the information.

• "Allow yourself to be comfortable and turn within.

• "Attune to the silence and the vibration of unconditional love. (Practice being in the silence for at least five to ten minutes. Then ask the following questions, allowing for another five to ten minutes of silence after each set of questions.)

• "What is Spirit's vision of ________? What does it feel like, sense like, seem like? (Be receptive to the information as it appears as an image, word, feeling tone, or kinesthetic sense.) (Repeat this question with as many aspects of the topic as you would like.)

• "What is Spirit's vision of how I must grow?

• "What is it that I must release in order to be a vehicle of this vision?

• "What spiritual qualities will assist me during my transformational process?

• "End the visioning session by giving thanks for the opportunity to gather in love and receive this guidance.

"Give yourself some time to jot down images, impressions, or auditory responses. If you're in a group, share what you each received in visioning. It is very helpful to hear different aspects of sharing from members of a visioning group to see what is unfolding. Every part of what is shared during a visioning session reveals a specific aspect of the divine transmission.

"DESIGNATE A REGULAR TIME FOR VISIONING AND KEEP A JOURNAL OF WHAT COMES THROUGH THE VISIONING. Whether you are visioning for the revelation of your soul purpose, a new project, or your ideal mate, a good practice is to set aside a regular period for this visioning activity. You will find it helpful to keep a record of your visioning sessions. Feel free to capture the images and impressions of what is revealed to you. You will find it helpful to review these notes from month to month. It is common to have the vivid images of one month fade by the time of the next scheduled visioning session. Very often, just reading the notes from a journal session will bring back the feeling tone of the energy that is caught during a session. Don't preoccupy yourself with recording the experiences of your visioning sessions in a coherent or logical manner. Rather, stay true to the experience of how the visioning unfolded for you and members of the visioning group.

"WORK WITH YOUR OWN TRANSFORMATION. A valuable part of the visioning process deals with spiritual guidance about how you can change, expand, and grow to be able to express the vision. Remind yourself about what you received in visioning: 'How must I grow? What do I need to release? What spiritual qualities will assist me during my transformational process?' Then break down the larger scope into manageable baby steps that you can easily accomplish each day. For example, if you want to cultivate the quality of discipline, your baby steps may include a walk along the lake for thirty minutes. Today, if you say you're going to meet your friend for lunch at noon, keep your word. No excuses. If you're starting a new nutritional program, eliminate an item such as sugar or wheat from your day's menu.

"Meditation or prayer, whether alone or with a partner, can greatly assist you with your transformation. You can record your progress and reflections in your visioning journal. Your journal will help you mark the expansion of your spiritual journey. Let the spiritual wisdom of your experiences with visioning help you' unfold as the spiritual essence of perfection that you are.”