"What fills the heart with happiness, ironically enough, is not what we get out of the world; it's what we put into it. Being about something worthwhile, spending our lives on something worth spending a life on is what, in the end, makes us happy.

"A creative God didn't complete creation, I am convinced, so that we might have the happiness that comes with continuing to co-create it ourselves.

"If we really want to be happy, we need to find out what we do best and do it to the utmost so that having done our part in this co-creation we can have the satisfaction such a life deserves. We need to learn that giving ourselves to something worth doing is more important, more valuable than giving ourselves only until something better, something more exciting, something more lucrative comes along.

"The Sufi say, 'For the raindrop, joy is entering the river.' We need, like raindrops in the river, to learn to lose ourselves in what we were made to be. We need to find ourselves about something more in life than the social status and streams of glitter that we have allowed to define us."