"What motivates people to Mindshare?

"Evolutionary biology shows that our brains are wired for connection, and that social connection is as fundamental to our survival as food and shelter. Matthew Lieberman, director of UCLA's Social Cognitive Neuroscience Lab and author of Social: Why Our Brains Are Wired to Connect, says that 'just as there are multiple social networks on the Internet such as Facebook and Twitter, each with its own strengths, there are also multiple social networks in our brains, sets of brain regions that work together to promote our social well-being.' These networks include the ability to bond with others, the ability to interpret the feelings of others, and the ability to be a harmonious part of a group. Our brains have developed these abilities in order to ensure our survival, and Lieberman says these 'social adaptations are central to making us the most successful species on earth.' Perhaps, in the not so distant future, people will be hooked up to functional MRI machines while they Mindshare, and neuroscience will show that Mindsharing is one of our best ways to also be our most successful selves.

"I think we are also wired to connect in our hearts, and we need one another for more than just survival. We all want to feel that we have meaningful value to give to others, and that we have an ability to influence others and the world. Our greatest natural resource is one another. We don't need natural disasters to come together as friends and communities. With Mindsharing and with our ability to be connected to one another, across the globe, at any given time, we have access to a way of collaborating like never before.

"Mindsharing works because we are all deeply connected. And my struggle to make my dream come true is your struggle to make your dream come true. My quest to find love is the same as your quest to find love. My desire to save money when I buy a car or get a mortgage is the same as yours. Every parent wants the best for their child. When we share our struggles, we share our solutions. When we reach a hand out, there is always a hand reaching back. Always. This is why Mindsharing works so powerfully. We have a fundamental drive to be connected, to be in cooperation, and to contribute to a better world. Mindsharing provides us with the tools, the technologies, and a way to be in connection and cooperation with one another, and to help one another create better lives."