"Nothing can be hidden from the Joyful intensity, as it gathers to itself the weakened and the worn and restores the abused to their rightful place. Fear is melted by the Joyful exuberance, and worldly concerns cannot mark the mantle of this wondrous State.

"For time and history, evil and wrongdoing, error and judgment cannot trample or defile the Joy as it bursts upon all creation, sparkling into the night. If but one could remain within the Joyful serenity, the mortal illusion would crumble revealing all Sacredness in its wake.

"Distilled upon Eternity, Joy blesses existence, filling one's cells with the perfume of its Way. Oh Holy Sustainer, Joy nourishes the emergent souls, filling them with jubilance.

"Joy's fragrance perfumes the heavens, rendering all creation delirious with Love. No words can describe this state, where one is filled with such happy, cosmic laughter, bursting from excitement and intoxicated with divine bliss.

"Oh happiness, and peaceful surrender, all is well and untouched. The universe stands unharmed, ultimately fortified, as radiant and powerful Joy anchors existence to the great, melodious Heart.

"Abandoned, the heart hears another Way, elevating consciousness to another plane. In Joy, all needs are forgotten and all trials dissolved, for God is at home, resplendent in the Unknown.

"Hear not another, nor cast one's eye upon a lesser state, for Joy embodies All, protector and defender, warding off the caricatures of fate.

"Joy abounds aplenty. Here upon the rainbowed heavens, there is no greater delight!"