"A Green Wiccan practices mainly nature-based and earth-oriented witchcraft. They typically use herbs, flowers, trees, fungi and plants in kitchen magick (which can be a separate Wicca path in itself) and herbology. Also, growing their own gives them a deeper connection to the plants. Green Wiccans usually practice witchcraft using elements of the earth, rocks, crystals and fossils. Green witches also tend to specialize in herbal remedies. Green Wiccans can follow whichever deities they choose or they might specifically follow nature spirits, which are the dead of humans, animals and plants. A form of green witchcraft which is better classified as Green Wicca was popularized by Ann Moura. This connects to the forest, but places a lot of emphasis on folklore and folk magick from a wide range of cultures. Green Wiccans can be solitary practitioners or part of a coven. Many Wiccans follow some of the Green Wicca practices, particularly growing their own herbs for us in their practices."