"I've continued to build my so-called 'awe portfolio' in a number of ways. Large photo prints from some of our favorite awe-inspiring travels now adorn the walls in my home. Objects and artwork that serve as reminders of awe are scattered about our living room. Books of awe-inspiring destinations and awe-provoking stories line our bookshelves. And for each awe-inspiring destination we visit, we create a photo album along with a diary to capture some of our favorite moments of wonder and awe.

"Try experimenting with different ways of capturing your favorite moments of awe. Like a museum curator, compile some of your favorite images, memories, objects, and reminders of these experiences. You might keep a journal to record some of your favorite awe-inspiring memories. . . . Or you might hang pictures on the wall or keep mementoes that remind you of these incredible moments. If you're more digitally inclined, you can consider creating a sort of digital playlist that includes both your own experiences of awe as well as other sorts of awe-inspiring videos, songs, movies, or images. Experiment with what works for you. And as you encounter new awe-inspiring experiences, find a way to add those to your portfolio or playlist as well. Try to devote some time each week, even for just a few moments, to relive and replay some of those moments and memories."