Reb Noson of Breslov (1780 - 1844) was the closest disciple of the celebrated Chasidic master Rebbe Nachman of Breslov (1772 - 1810). He took it upon himself to explain his teacher's wisdom in order to enable every Jew to experience mystical communion with God.

In this enlightening collection of prayers translated and adapted by David Sears of the Breslov Research Institute, we see that Reb Noson was a spiritual teacher who had great respect for prayer as a powerful tool for pouring out one's heart to God. The Chasidic Jews believed that daily prayer services were a path of mystical ascent. Here you will find petitions to God about spiritual ups and downs, unity in diversity, simplicity, love of humanity, awakening the soul, finding God in everything, and much more. Here is an example of a prayer about Beginning Anew:

"Help us to serve You always, with all our hearts. May our Divine service seem new to us every day; may we begin afresh, as if we had never served You before. May we never succumb to thinking of ourselves as old or incapable of change; rather, may we be 'bold as a leopard and light as an eagle, swift as a deer and strong as a lion, to carry out the will of our Father in Heaven.' Let us experience the truth of the prophet's words, 'Those who yearn for God will find their strength renewed; they will take flight like eagles; they will run and not be faint, walk and not become weary.' "