Reza Shah-Kazemi, the founding editor of the Islamic World Report, has translated and selected key verses from the Koran that illustrate the important role of compassion, love, and peace in Islam. In the introduction, he comments on compassion as the fundamental nature of God which human beings are to practice in their relationships. "Compassion is to oneness what radiance is to the sun: It is through compassion that the oneness of God most brilliantly shines forth and reveals its fundamental nature."

Shah-Kazemi notes that in Islam, love is seen to be the fountain-head of creation. " 'I was a hidden treasure,' God declares, 'and I loved to be known, so I created the world.' " God's love is infinite and reflects the pre-eminence of God's Mercy over all things, even God's anger. Shah-Kazemi concludes that "whenever God is described in terms of compassion and peace and love, it is always implied that the soul is being called upon to assimilate these qualities."

Here is a small sampler of quotations from the Koran:

• "Whoever saves the life of one human being, it shall be as if he had saved the whole of humankind." (5:32)

• "O you who believe, be steadfast and upright for God, bearing witness with justice, and never let hatred of a people cause you to deal unjustly with them. Be just — that is closest to piety." (5:8)

• "Truly, those who believe and do good works, the Compassionate will grant them love." (19:96)

• "My mercy encompasses all things." (7:156)

• "O you who believe, if you are mindful of God, He will grant you discernment, and efface your sins, and forgive you. And God is of infinite grace." (8:29)
