Raphael Cushnir is the author of three books, including How Now: 100 Ways to Celebrate the Present Moment, which we chose as one of the Best Spiritual Books of 2005. He lectures worldwide and is a faculty member of the Esalen Institute, the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health, and the Omega Institute. On this four-CD program, he presents ideas and practices to help people identify, feel, and release resisted emotions.

One of the challenges facing adults today is that they were not taught about dealing with their emotions at home, in schools, or in religious institutions when they were growing up. So they are challenged now to to unleash the power of emotional connection which means not just recognizing emotions but actually feeling them. Cushnir shares stories of people who have learned and mastered this process and also presents a series of guided exercises using it. Throughout, he makes a good case for emotional maturity.

Here are some of the subjects covered on this program:

• widening your circle of awareness
• emotions in the body
• emotional connections and the meditative traditions
• the 2 X 2 Process of surfing every emotion
• the four steps to releasing resisted emotions
• healing the past in the present
• working with addictions and compulsions
• choosing through self-acceptance
• dealing with conflict
• emotional connection in relationships and family dynamics.