Darren Littlejohn is a recovering addict and current student of Tibetan and Zen Buddhism. He has been in various 12-Step programs for more than 20 years. After sharing his personal story, Littlejohn presents his assessment of treatment programs and ways to integrate Buddhism with a 12-Step recovery program. This down-to-earth paperback is written for those in recovery who are looking for a broader spiritual perspective and for individuals, spiritual teachers, therapists, and anyone else who works with people addicted to substances, events, processes, or people. It will especially appeal to those who are uncomfortable with the overt Judeo-Christian language in 12-Step programs and to those who see the value in treating the physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual dimensions of addiction.

Littlejohn firmly believes that Buddhism is the perfect tool for relief from suffering. And relief is needed given the startling statistic that although the United States holds only four percent of the world's population, Americans consume two-thirds of its drugs. Littlejohn examines the 12-Step principles and then aligns his own themes to them. They are: 1) Acceptance, 2) Confidence/Faith, 3) Surrender, 4) Self-examination, 5) Self-honesty, 6) Willingness, 7) Humility, 8) Forgiveness, 9) Restitution, 10) Admission, 11) Seeking, and 12) Selfless Service/Unconditional Love. Along the way, the author presents meditations and spiritual practices to accompany this process of recovery. Littlejohn ends with: "May we all enjoy happiness and the root of happiness."