Karl Rahner (1904-1984) was a German theologian who spent most of his life teaching at universities. He was a very devotional Catholic who believed that prayer is the most important element of the Christian path. The turning point in his life came when Rahner was 60 and participated in the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965). Although previously seen as a traditionalist, afterwards he became a change agent with radical ideas. His most widely quoted statement is "Tomorrow's devout person will either be a mystic — someone who has experienced something — or else they will not be devout at all."

This excellent selection of Rahner's sermons, prayers, and essays have been translated and edited by Annemarie Kidder. In her introduction, she notes that the experience of God is the experience of grace in everyday life. That is why, for us, the most creative and engrossing section of this collection is "A Theology of Everyday Life" where he probes the spiritual dimensions of work, walking, sitting down, seeing, laughter, eating, and sleeping. Equally fascinating is Rahner's "Words for the Start of the Day."

Other essays in the book include sermons for Epiphany, Lent, and Easter; pieces on Ignatius of Loyola and Thomas Aquinas; a commentary on love for God and neighbor; and a timely reflection on The One Spirit — The Many Gifts.