Ann Louise Gittleman is an award-winning author of 30 books and a highly respected health pioneer. In the opening pages of this fascinating book, she surveys the electropollution from cell phones, television, computers, dimmer switches, refrigerators, hair dryers, and a variety of other everyday devices that are creating energy disturbances in human bodies. This can lead to health problems such as tumors, chronic fatigue, muscle weakness, severe headaches, and more. Studies have been done which make the connection between EMFs and Alzheimer's disease, ALS, heart disease, birth defects, and depression. Gittleman contends that we are exposed to the effects of electromagnetic devices at a rate of 100 million times greater than our grandparents were. She is deeply concerned about the future welfare of children in this wireless age: they are more vulnerable to electronic pollution than adults.

Since we cannot return to the past and banish all technology, the author presents a rounded and realistic proactive plan to deal with the toxic effects of overexposure. Here are a few of Gittelman's suggestions for protection from zaps in the home:

• Keep televisions out of the bedroom.

• Don't cradle your laptop.

• Hold your cell phone away from your head when the call is connecting — that's when the signal is strongest.

• Foods to eat to beat elecropollution: walnuts, blueberries, and artichokes.

• Get the cell phone out of your pocket.