A white cat with some orange and black markings has been on a long and arduous journey to find a home with food and shelter. She finds what she is looking for at a run-down temple at the foot of a majestic mountain. A monk who sees her standing at the doorway with her paw raised gladly lets her in: he names her Tama (Lucky Cat).

Good fortune has not smiled upon the temple where the roof leaks and there is not enough firewood. But the monk does not fret. He enjoys the cat's company and derives great pleasure from Tama's purring. The cat thanks him by sleeping close to him and protecting the temple's meager supply of rice from mice. All of the giving and the receiving pays off when Tama gets to be a hero.

We have a Lucky or Beckoning Cat on the counter by our front door. Over the years she has brought us good fortune in terms of soul mates who have joined us on our digital spiritual adventure. When we saw the cover for I Am Tama, Lucky Cat we were very pleased; she is adorable with her raised paw. We also loved the picures of cherry trees brimming with blossoms by illustrator Yoshiko Jaeggi.

Wendy Henrichs has done a smashing good job bringing the Japanese legend of the Lucky Cat to life. This book is designed for children from ages 5 - 9. They will benefit from this lesson about the importance of generosity and kindness and companionship between humans and animals.