"On this warm summer night the twining moonflowers begin to open, like a movie in slow motion. Wider and wider the petals unfurl under the moon's silvery light," write Peter and Jean Loewer in this book for children ages 4 - 8. As a prelude to this unfurling, the authors note the appearance of crickets, bats, owls, and other animals. Readers will enjoy the notes on the side of the pages describing the habits of these nocturnal creatures.

The perfume of the moonflower draws the attention and presence of hawkmoths, who dance along with other insects. This party doesn't last very long yet all the guests seem to have had a good time. The mourning doves and robins bring in the new day while the hawkmoths and other night revelers sleep through the day.

This lyrical and edifying book ends with instructions for planting a moonflower, which according to the "Words to Know" section is "a climbing vine in the morning glory family with heart-shaped leaves." The Loewers help us to appreciate the wonders and the interdependencies of the natural world.