Rabbi Irwin Kula is president of CLAL — The National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership, a leading voice for religious pluralism in the Jewish community, and Vanessa L. Ochs is the Director of Jewish Studies at the University of Virginia. They are the editors of this wonderful collection of Jewish rituals, blessings, and meditations. Many of these have their origin in ancient sources while others are efforts to "sanctify the new." In the preface, Kula and Ochs state:

"This book is much more concerned with learning and living than with believing. All that is necessary is a willingness to experiment. Each page is meant not only to be read but to be a catalyst for both awareness and action."

The Book of Jewish Sacred Practices contains chapters on Everyday Life, Parents and Children, Relationships, Special Moments, Healing, Life and Death, Learning, Leadership and Communal Life, Israel, Tzedakah, and Holy Days. Given the focus of the Spirituality & Practice website on a resourcing ministry, we were most impressed with the practices connected with "Everyday Life" such as washing our hands, preparing a family recipe, making a list of things to do, and traveling. Also, check out "Special Moments," where there are sacred practices for birthdays, seeing natural wonders, running a marathon, and moving into a new house. Here is a "Waking Up" prayer:

"As soon as I sit up in bed and see the light through the windows, I am suddenly aware I'm alive and a new day has begun. Then I say to myself something like this: 'Thank you, God. I know You're still out there doing Your thing, because here I am again doing my thing, thanks to you.' (a modern version of the Modeh Ani prayer)