John Dominic Crossan is a co-founder of the Jesus Seminar and author of 15 books including the bestseller The Historical Jesus: The Life of a Mediterranean Jewish Peasant (1991). Raised a traditional Catholic in Ireland, the author recounts his experiences at an Irish boarding school and then at an American monastery. Crossan never intended to become a parish priest. This memoir focuses mainly on the important transitions in his life including the move from Ireland to the United States, from a Catholic monastery to a university, from priesthood to marriage, and from academic scholar to public intellectual.

Crossan says very little about his first or second marriages. And there is only a passing reference to the Jesus Seminar. The author's juices only get flowing when he talks about the million words he wrote about the historical Jesus in the 1990s. Near the end of the memoir, Crossan opens up a bit and says "that God is more radical than we can ever imagine, that a divine utopia is more subversive than we can ever accept, and that Pilate acted for all of us when he executed Jesus."

A few other tidbits: the author believes that we can be Christian without attending church. He admits a complete disinterest in the afterlife. W. H. Auden once quipped: "For me living always comes out thinking." Ditto for Crossan. The author has loyal fans, but those looking for a personal glimpse of the man, his feelings, and his private life will be disappointed.