Kathleen Duffy is a Sister of St. Joseph who has a Ph. D. in molecular physics from Drexel University. A professor of physics at Chestnut Hill College in Philadelphia, she is the author of Rediscovering Teilhard's Fire.

In this substantive paperback, Duffy has come up with a lively, and accessible portrait of the Jesuit paleontologist and writer Pierre Teilhard De Chardin (1881-1955), who in an early essay wrote: "I have always loved and sought to read the face of Nature; but … my approach has not been that of the 'scientist' but that of the votary." Duffy explains: "Reverence, awe and devotion were aspects of this exquisite relationship." Earth's beauty provided this spiritual explorer with a keen sense of gratitude. For him, the world was a sacred place, a divine milieu.

Teilhard believed in the importance of the choices we make today as co-creators of the ongoing evolution of life and spirit. In his day, he hoped for the best resulting from globalization, the rapid growth of technology, and the heightening of reflection about what tomorrow will bring. Above all else, Duffy captures and conveys the importance of Teilhard's passionate love of nature and his mysticism of hope.