"If you want to make progress on the path and ascend to the places you have longed for, the important thing is not to think too much, and so to do whatever best awakens your love. If you fall sometimes, do not lose heart. Keep striving to walk your path with integrity. God will draw out the good even from your fall."

— Teresa of Avila

Mirabai Starr is an interspiritual author and speaker who leads retreats internationally on the mystics and the contemplative life. She is a perfect example of multiple religious participation (MPRing) with Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu, and Sufi practices. Starr has taught world religions and is best known for her heralded translation of Dark Night of the Soul by the 16th century Spanish mystic St John of the Cross.

More than 400 years ago, Teresa of Avila took a journey of her soul to God and then mapped it out in The Interior Castle. At her out-of-the-way convent she was swept away by a mystical vision of a crystal castle with seven chambers. Each one stands for the steps in the soul's search for God. This is the first time this classic has been translated by someone outside the Catholic Church. As she did with Dark Night of the Soul, Starr provides lyrical and fresh readings of these important Christian texts.