My heart is moved by all I cannot save:
so much has been destroyed

I have to cast my lot with those
who age after age, perversely,

with no extraordinary power,
reconstitute the world.
— Adrienne Rich

For all those who have yearned for a fresh, insightful, and activist oriented resource on the climate crisis from a feminist perspective, this anthology of essays and poems fills the bill! Ayana Elizabeth Johnson, a policy expert and marine biologist, and Katharine K. Wilkinson, an author, strategist, and teacher serve as editors of All We Can Save which includes keen insights and epiphanies from women scientists, journalists, lawyers, innovators, wonks, and indigenous activists.

These environmental feminists are courageous and sensitive enough to grapple with the big questions raised by climate change, such as:

  • How did we get into this mess?
  • What is at stake?
  • How can we make sense of this crisis, psychologically and spiritually?
  • What solutions exist from individual to national levels?
  • How can we ensure justice is embedded in transformation?
  • What civic and cultural shifts can help turn things around?
  • What do we need to do?
  • Whom do we need to become?
  • What might possible futures look like?
  • How can we reach them together?

After 50 years of reviewing books, we are always interested in new ways of editing. Here is a note from the editors:

"Throughout the book you will see marks in the margins to highlight some of the key statistics (*) and insights (…..) we found poignant. We have also underlined some key terms and the names of women whose climate-related work is referenced. We have capitalized all races."

This is just one example of the innovative nature of this volume. Even more significant is the fact that the women writing here are of all ages. Read and be inspired by poetry from Ellen Bass, Joy Harjo, Jane Hirshfield, Sharon Olds, Mary Oliver, Alice Walker, and others. Learn from the insights of Jainey K. Bavishi, Rhiana Gunn-Wright, Tara Houska — Zhaabowek, Naomi Klein, Gina McCarthy, Varashine Prakash, Amanda Sturgeon, Jane Zelikova, and others. All this unfolds under eight categories: Root, Advocate, Reframe, Reshape, Persist, Feel, Nourish, and Rise (see excerpt).

This is a book that belongs in every climate activist's personal library and in every public library.