Debra Farrington throws open the door to Christian spirituality and invites all seekers to come in. And a very wide door it is! The author, manager of the bookstore at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, is often asked by her customers to recommend good resources on spirituality. Here she discusses specific ways to enter the spiritual life, which she calls "on ramps."

In chapters mixing clear descriptions with personal stories from her life and those she has interviewed, Farrington reveals how she connects with God, herself, and her community through a centuries-old discipline like devotional reading one day and through computer e-mail the next. Whether on retreat, meeting with her spiritual director, or participating in a prayer group, she processes her own experiences to discover the richness in different approaches and — as a true service to newcomers — offers practical tips on how to get started. Accessible and encouraging, Romancing the Holy is a wonderful example of the spiritual practices of enthusiasm and hospitality.