In this book, L. Robert Keck charts the spiritual renaissance which has been unspooling since the 1960s. His wide-ranging synthesis of humanity's physical, mental, and spiritual evolution is directed toward those who have "an intellectual hunger, a spiritual curiosity, and who want to live and love the big questions."

According to Keck, the journey of humankind's soul began 150,000 years ago with the feminine value system and the worship of Mother Earth Goddess. Then about 10,000 years ago, the adolescent stage began with the ascendancy of masculine values and the worship of a Father God. Three-hundred years ago, science and the value system based on materialism and machines became dominant.

Keck contends that the final stage in humanity's soul journey is already underway. Five new values are transforming our lives, culture, institutions, and ideas about divinity, heaven, and earth: they are (1) symbolism and synergy, (2) empowerment, (3) a user friendly attitude toward change, (4) the re-membering of human nature through environmental responsibility, and (5) historical integrity, which refers to the shift in emphasis from the larger story to the more personal stories of our lives.

R. Buckminster Fuller would hail the sweep of Keck's purview and his characterization of this new era as "a synergy between science and spirituality, intellect and intuition, objectivity and subjectivity, human and planet." The author discusses signs of ferment in holistic health practices, creation-centered spirituality, shamanism, Native American spirituality, near death experiences, and much more.

With bold strokes, Keck shows how the Age of Spirit challenges us to love our uniqueness, our depths, and our highest hopes. The author matches this advice with inspiring illustrative material from his own soulful odyssey as a Methodist minister, developer of holistic health centers, and corporate wellness counselor. Sacred Eyes is a spiritual thriller from start to finish. Its clues about the mystery of what's happening today will nourish your inner life.