Read two excerpts on being present.

Eric Harrison is trained in the Buddhist practices of Tibet and Burma. He is a meditation teacher and Director of the Perth Meditation Centre where he has taught this practice to over 20,000 people from all walks of life. He emphasizes its practical and down-to-earth applications.

The Buddha said: "Meditate while walking, eating, dressing, lying down and going to the bathroom." In other words, there is always time to slow down, to follow the in breath and the out breath, to savor the moment with all our being. In this paperback, Harrison has put together 40 short "spot meditations" which can blend into other activities. The "afterglows" from these brief respites from the hustle and bustle of our lives are incalculable. Harrison names a few: relaxation of the body, calming the mind, reducing stress, improving your health, putting you in touch with deeper emotions, dispelling sadness and confusion, and bringing peace, beauty and wisdom into your life.

The book is organized into four parts. The Breath and the Body includes walking meditations, meditating at the gym, and the delicate art of sighing; The Senses includes the sensuality of little things and returning to the present; Activities includes going to the bathroom, driving in the car, and when you have to wait; and Final Thoughts covers typical questions such as, Am I doing it right? and What else can I do? The meditation practices here are simple, easy to do, and rewarding on many levels. For a few examples, see the excerpts.