Millions of people around the world are now in training as elders, in need of resources which map and model this second stage of life. Angeles Arrien, a teacher, cultural anthropologist, and author, has put together a curriculum for mid-life using the stories of indigenous cultures and Greek mythology. She sees the three major themes of elderhood as generativity, intimacy, and creativity. These tasks are even more daunting today given the global crises of character and weak-heartedness.

The challenge of generativity is to create a legacy of wisdom and love while empowering the gifts and talents of others. Arrien explores the Native American "Blessing Way" and the Eight Gates of Initiation which are developmental steps in the unfolding of our character. Under the rubric of intimacy, she examines the need to overcome fear, pride, and patterns of appeasement that are blocks to self-love, self-trust, and self-respect. She uses the story of Solomon's wisdom to unlock the key for "dropping the shroud of insufficiency" and listening to our deep wisdom voice.

In the final section of this audio workshop, Arrien focuses on creativity that heals us, develops our soul, and connects us with others in collaboration. Meditations on "The Nine Muses" and "The Twelve Labors of Hercules" provide an in-depth look at the courage, integrity, and passion that are expressions of our creative self. Angeles Arrien is a learned, wise, compassionate, and strong-hearted companion for the important journey through the second half of life.