Bobbi L. Parish is a marriage and family therapist who has recommended to her clients this process for creating a personal sacred text. In these fast-paced times, we all need to savor the wisdom of the ages and the insights of contemporary spiritual teachers. We yearn for encouragement and inspiration from seers, guides, and fellow travelers. And we all want to examine our spiritual growth on a regular basis.

Parish surveys some of the many resources available in the texts of the world's major religions, devotional works, essays, poetry, hymns and songs, memoirs, anthologies, quotation volumes, spoken-word audiocassettes, and much more. She then shows how spiritual practice, journaling, guided visualization, lectio divina, meditation, and prayer can be launch pads for writing your own sacred text. "For your book to be truly a reflection of you, it needs to be infused with your own words — ones that relate to your own experiences with spiritual truth." Parish closes this helpful work with ideas on using your personal sacred text privately or in the context of a group.