• Civil Rights Tours
    by Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat in the Spiritual Literacy blog
    Tom Houk and other civil right tour guides for years have been taking people to landmarks of the civil right movement — the sites where organizers planned their protests and where demonstrators were harassed and often harmed by the police. Houk, who was a friend of the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, notes: "I talk about the human side of the movement and try to engage them in understanding that even though there was a struggle, there were good times and a lot of camaraderie, too."
  • Trying New Things and Exploring the Unknown
    by Junyor Nicolás Florentín García in the KidSpirit Youth Voices blog
    Florentín writes about two life-enhancing opportunities to meet people from different places: through an exchange student program that gave him two friends who became like older brothers to him, and when he became a Youth Ambassador from Parguay to the United States, where he had training in leadership, youth entrepreneurship, the development of community projects, and diplomacy.