Ways of practicing Peace include bearing witness, nonviolence, conflict resolution, anti-war protests, serenity, equanimity, and the specific practices below.

Equanimity is the quality of being even-tempered and unaffected by outside influences. It does not mean that you are indifferent to what is happening around you; you just don't allow it to upset your inner peace. Here's a basic equanimity practice. Whenever you feel a strong emotion coming on — a response to pain or pleasure, success or failure, extreme stress or thorough relief — say to yourself, "This, too, will pass."

Dealing with Violence by Don Mackenzie recommends responding to violence with journaling and reflecting on Jesus’ teachings.

Diverting Yourself by Joseph Telushkin offers things to do when you are obsessing or angry over something.

I Vow Today by Habib Todd Boerger suggests that we take the advice of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and vow to be an instrument of peace.

Inner Peace by Allan Lokos helps us remember that only we can destroy our peace.

Not So Good by Lama Thubten Yeshe gives good advice on how to live with equanimity.

One-Minute Body Merge by Raphael Cushnir explains a way to calm anxiety and return to the Now.

Peace, Dear Heart by Jamal Rahman provides guidance for changing anger into vitality.

Radiate Peace by Jean Smith offers a means to tranquility of heart and mind that spreads to the world.

Sacred Writing by Jamal Rahman describes a practice for filling with inner peace through honoring your feelings.

Seven Practices for Peace by Deepak Chopra outlines a seven-day program for peacemakers.

Shalom by Yitzhak Buxbaum encourages us to offer blessings of peace with every greeting and farewell.

Speak in a Low Voice by Yitzhak Buxbaum gives us a way to protect ourselves from anger and attain the qualities of patience and humility.

Take a Breather by M. J. Ryan directs us to increase our peace of mind by taking some calming breaths.

Their Due by Joan Chittister provides insight and a practice suggestion for obtaining peace through living a measured life.

Unload the Burden from the Donkey by Brenda Shoshanna describes a prototype for making peace in the family and in the world.

Visualize World Peace by Tom Cowan directs us to meditate on harmonious relations in our families, communities, and world.

Wear Your Tears by Naomi Levy recommends allowing ourselves to cry and bask in the healing peace of tears.

More Spiritual Practices about Peace