St. Anthony was born in Lisbon in 1195. He entered religious life as an Augustinian monk but was immensely impressed with the Franciscans who took him into their order. On his first mission Anthony got sick in Morocco and returned to run a hospice.

Called upon to preach in an emergency situation, this Franciscan monk came through with flying colors and was assigned to preach and teach theology for the friars. His sermons mixed spiritual uplift with prophetic commentary on the greed and selfishness of the times.

Anthony died on June 13, 1231, at the tender age of 36. He was made a saint one year after his passing, and in 1946 he was declared a Doctor of the Church. He is known as the patron saint of finding lost objects.

Spiritual Practices

A Practice in Honor of St. Anthony:

"When you misplace your keys, leave something important behind, or can't find something, pause for a moment and realize that your loss is probably minor compared with the losses of people around the world. Offer a prayer for others, those who are deprived of the very necessities of life."
— Tom Cowan in The Way of the Saints