Neutralize your feelings about money. Give up trying to understand it as a material thing, as something thought of in terms of more and less, wealth and want, rich and poor. See it rather as a fundamental element that enables your life to flow freely, a vehicle for doing what you want to do, having those things that bring you joy, experiencing those moments that empower you.

See money as energy. Elevate other forms of riches — friendship, intimate love, a good reputation, kindness, and gentility — to the status of your desire to earn more and more money. If you haven't placed enough importance on money, if you are always in debt, if your appetites far outpace your resources, if you constantly live off the energy of others, then it's time to elevate money's place in your life, to create more energy yourself so that you are free to focus less on obtaining cash and more on the direction and quality of your life.

If you transform your concept of money from something concrete to something more fundamental — like energy — you're likely to make better choices about it. You can relate to money the way you relate to food. You take in as much nourishment as you need to have energy for a specific period of time. Food and money are similar. You require a certain amount of it to survive and prosper, but after a point you must think of other ways to utilize this energy or it can weigh you down. If you have a more balanced attitude, one that will not hinder your quest for self-expression, you'll find that you will end up with the right amount of money.

Alan Epstein in How to Have More Love in Your Life