Reviews Search Results

We found 15 matching reviews
Inside Llewyn Davis
The struggling quest of a folk singer to find out whether or not he has the right stuff.
True Grit
An entertaining and feisty Western propelled by an incredibly fetching performance by Hailee Steinfled as a wise teenager with indomitable will-power.
A Serious Man
A thought-provoking spiritual original that salutes the mystery of God, the futility of seeking answers, and the need to live as best we can.
No Country for Old Men
A quirky and bloody meditation on the rising tide of violence in America from the Coen brothers.
The Ballad of Buster Scruggs
Six stories set in the Old West, each with a message about mortality.
Hail, Caesar!
A light-hearted dramedy about a good man working in Hollywood.
Burn After Reading
A delightful black comedy by the Coen brothers that pokes fun at some of the obsessions of our frantic times.
The Big Lebowski
By taking it easy, the Dude abides and becomes a teacher of crazy wisdom.
Barton Fink
A parable about the intellectual vanity of a creative individual who wants to improve society with his vision of the common man.
Miller's Crossing
A stylized reworking of the gangster film by Joel and Ethan Coen.