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Results for "latest_content: 1, main_practice: "Hospitality""
Civility & Spirituality Blog Relationships are the central web of our lives. The strands connect us to family, intimates, partners, friends, as well as communities, natural places, and the wider world. The character and quality…
Rejoicing in More Positive Views of Homosexual Relationships We rejoice in small triumphs that signal positive changes in human relationships. Polls: Percentage of U.S. adults who considered homosexual relations morally acceptable in 2002: 38. Percentage w…
Membership in a Family Muslim Wisdom “The goal of human life is to beautify the soul through goodness and virtue and to make it worthy of offering to God Who is the Beautiful. — Seyyed Hosssein Nasr in The Heart o…
Toward a Theology of Onions A first step in developing a theology of onions is to recognize how beautiful they are. When I watched the video above from the Spiritual Literacy DVD series​, using the words of Mary Hays G…
A Prayer for More Religious Hospitality O Lover of Diversity, we give thanks for the variety of religious choices and the freedom to pursue the ones that have the most meaning for us. Fact: According to a new Pew Research Center study…
The Nones Are Off the Bus In a post at, Anne Benvenuti writes about the "Nones," the largest and fastest growing segment of the population in the religious landscape of America, according to the mos…
Prayer for the Victims at Charlie Hebdo O Loving One, Ya Wadud, we grieve with the parents, family, and friends of the 12 people who were killed at the offices of the French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo on January 7, 2015, by two Fre…
How Judaism Affects My Views and Values of Money By Moolie Griminger in the KidSpirit Money and Value issue. I’ve spent a lot of time studying my religion and its values. My family is a member of the Conservative tradition of Judaism, which i…
A Prayer of Gratitude for Bayan Claremont Bestower of Authenticity, thank you for people courageous enough to stand on principle even when it means risking the loss of needed funds. Our team at Spirituality & Practice is grateful and honore…
"H" is for Hospitality "How shall we live? Welcoming to all." — Mechtild of Magdeburg, Preaching to Birds and Squirrels A new sculpture called "Saint Francis and the Birds" was recently celebrated among nei…