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Results for "Body"
Celtic Spirituality An e-course exploring Celtic wisdom and poetry
A Simple Immediacy: Desert Wisdom for Advent Teachings from the Desert Fathers and Mothers on classic Advent themes.
Poetry and Prayer from the Celtic Tradition Wisdom and lore from the Celts for every seeker.
Twenty Strategies for Healing Recovering life's wholeness and holiness.
Myth and Psyche On-Demand: E-course on how myths are the powerful mysteries that infuse and shape our lives.
Practicing Spirituality during Illness Tools to help identify and apply the gifts of illness — for those who are sick and caregivers.
Every Body's Prayer: Expressing Faith through Movement An exploration of the role of movement in personal faith and communal worship.
Defusing Anger Ways to understand and work with your own and other people's anger.
Wisdom for Advent and Christmas Quotes to assure our hearts during the Christian holy days.
Practicing Spirituality with Hindus A view into the experiential heart of the world's oldest living religion.