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Results for "content_type: "Prayer/Mantra""
A Prayer in Response to the Orlando Mass Shooting Comforting God, we awoke this morning to news of the deadliest mass shooting on United States soil in modern history. Once again we are called to prayer and reflection about gun violence and hate cr…
A Prayer for Trees in Peril Creator God, we are worried about the trees in our home state of California and elsewhere in the world. Article: According to the Los Angeles Times, the number of dead trees in California's fores…
A Prayer from Charlottesville Bestower of Peace, it is hard to know how to pray as respect and civility in the United States unravel at the seams. It's even harder to know how to pray when incivility turns murderous. Source: …
A Prayer for Those Challenging the Tools of War This is the Age of Weaponized Drones. They are widely used in the war against terrorists and other enemies of the state. Hard facts on the frequency and targets of drone attacks are difficult to com…
A Prayer for Those Helping Elders to Age at Home The First and the Last, we pray that you might help us deal with one of the most widespread and authentic fears of seniors and their families –the fear of aging alone with no one close to help the…
A Prayer for the Women and Girls of Afghanistan August 15, 2021, Afghanistan. The Taliban, having defeated the Afghan security forces in other areas of the country, entered the capital of Kabul, thus solidifying their total takeover of the countr…
A Prayer for the Prospering of the Poor People's Campaign Visions for a more just and compassionate world can take decades to come to fruition. We now have the soul-stirring opportunity to be part of Dr. Martin Luther King's Poor People's Campaign, inaugur…
A Prayer for Protection of Sacred Lands and Waters Great Spirit, you have created a beautiful world for us to live in. You have sent rains and snow to fill our rivers. You have made the land rich in nutrients for our plants and animals. We want to s…
A Prayer for Pit Bulls Lover of All Creatures, in our experience a well-loved, well-trained pit bull is the gentlest of gracious creatures, the epitome of loyalty, albeit perhaps a bit shy. You could hardly have given us …
A Prayer for Leadership Great God, on November 8, 2016, the people of the United States will elect a new president. We know that guidance is needed for voters and candidates alike. News: The Republican Party is holding …